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This site is not affiliated with NYC government.


Databook connects open datasets together to create an increasingly holistic view of New York City government.

Navigate Agency Profiles with an Interactive City Organizational Chart

As Seen In

Our Apps

We work with civil servants and journalists to build apps that help everyone better understand our city.

Capital Projects

A page for every NYC-funded infrastructure project.

City Agencies

Data-driven profiles of every NYC government agency.


Find your districts and see data about CBs, CDs & NTAs.

The City Record – Remastered

The City publishes its official journal in print, PDF, a website and as open data. We connect it with other data and republish it.

Changes in PersonnelProcurementPublic Hearings & MeetingsContract Award Hearings
Agency RulesProperty DispositionCourt NoticesSpecial Materials

About The Databook

We take NYC Open Data, normalize it, republish it, and then build apps with it. Why? Because New Yorkers deserve a government as exceptional as our city.

Get Involved

We put the Databook together to help people improve New York City.

If you’re using the system, have ideas for how it could be improved, want bulk access to our normalized data, or want to collaborate in any way, please let us know!

Here are a few ways you can get involved:

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Browse our Workspace

Join our Slack

Participate on Decidim