Databook Update 6: New “Civil Service Titles” Section Added

New York City government has a workforce over 300,000 people, and that workforce is structured by a system of “Civil Service Titles”. These titles define the job roles and salary of every city employee as well as the skills people need to earn that title.

This month we launched a new section called Titles where you can search and browse Civil Service Titles, view their profiles with information about their salaries and unions, and see how that title connects to other important NYC Open Datasets that describe Positions, Job Opening and Civil Lists.

  • Positions shows the number of people an agency is expected to have with a certain title (ex. the NYPD has positions for 25 Accountants.)
  • Job Openings: these are open positions associate with a civil service title (ex. the city has 13 job openings for Accountants.)
  • Civil List: these are the individuals who work for city agencies with a specific civil service title (ex. see the first initial and last name, and salaries of the 26 accountants employed by the NYPD in 2019.)

We also integrated these datasets into the People section of Agency Profiles and added a two more datasets about agency headcounts and demographics.

We’ve researched how to get more details each civil service titles such as their requirements and exam schedules but found that information hard to extract as it is in the links from this PDF of civil service exam schedules.

If you know of more or better data sources, or have ideas or proposals for what we should do next, please let us know via our community participation platform or simply send us a message.

We look forward to collaborating with you!


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