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Open Data Week Session: What Would You Build with Normalized NYC Open Data? What If WeGov.NYC?

NYC produces lots of great open data, but its often hard to use because UIDs in one dataset don’t match with UIDs in another.

So we’ve built an open source toolset to “normalize” data and republish it via API. Then we built some apps on top of it. And you can too!

Our first app is “DataBook”, an ever-evolving city agency directory tying over a dozen (and counting) datasets together to give people easy access to information about their government: agency budgets, staff contact info, capital projects, facilities and more!

Our goal is to make DataBook the most comprehensive website about city government operations – built entirely with open data and APIs.

Our other goal is to be part of something more: an alliance of people and projects helping each other produce the solutions our city needs to create the city we all deserve.

The session agenda:

  • A brief discussion about how great open data is and how much greater it would be if it there were more UIDs shared between datasets.
  • What datasets do you want to see normalized?
  • An explanation for how WeGov.NYC normalizes data and republishes it via API.
  • A brief tour of Databook.
  • An invitation for you to use our normalized city data and our API.
  • What projects are you working on? How can we help you?

See the official session description here.