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This site is not affiliated with NYC government.

Let’s make New York City’s government the world’s best.

We’re an open community using appropriate technologies to improve NYC and transform city agencies into 21st century institutions.


Databook combines dozens of open datasets to help people better understand New York City’s government.


Data-powered profiles of every NYC government agency


Profiles of everyone in NYC government


News and events from all of NYC’s government agencies


K-12 school, building and district profiles


A page for every capital project funded by NYC


Neighborhood, city council and community district data


The roles, positions and pay of NYC’s civil servants


A consolidated list of items being sold by city agencies

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As Seen In

News & Events

The latest from WeGovNYC and its projects.

Other Projects

WeGov is a nonprofit initiative of Sarapis. Sarapis provides technical and financial support to other NYC-focused civic tech projects.

Civic Tech Guide

Crowdsourced, global collection of tech for good tools and projects.

Reported App

Submit feedback about NYC taxis in 30 seconds directly to TLC & NYC 311.

MANYC Resources

Community-sourced, volunteer-curated library of social service resources available to New Yorkers


An archive of the website for the Commission on Public Information and Communications

Are you looking for support for an open source NYC-based civic tech project? Connect with us!

Get Involved

WeGovNYC is an open community that welcomes new people and projects.

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